Sunday, July 22, 2012

WW videos

Hey everybody! So I've made quite a few videos on WW and I think some people haven't seen them yet. So here they are!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey woozens! I'm here to post the winners! And... (drumroll please) here they are!

1. I throw my sandwich in the air sometimes saying A-O! Where’s my Mayo? I throw my skittles in the air sometimes saying A-O! Taste the Rainbow! I throw my tests in the air sometimes saying A-O! Got a zero! - LiamSpark

2. I’d like to thank all the little people out there, especially those delivery guys, who helped me on the way to Ms. Taco Bell! - SweetieVampy

3. It sucks when I see that really cute person, then my face hits the mirror. - Cutecatsisy

4. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

5.The awkward moment when you ask a midget what he wants to be when he grows up. - Espanolisme

Honorable mentions:

1. That awkward moment when the garbage man goes out more than you do. - Girltchi4

2. A potato has skin... I have skin... So call me Ms. Potato! - CallMeIzzybuc

3. Assassins have more fun than blondes. So take that Lindsey Lohan!

Ok, I know I'm missing a few names, but I'll have them up as soon as possible! Thanks again for everyone who submitted!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Hey everyone! Happy 4th! The first few days of my blog have turned out really great; I've had over 200 views! I'm so grateful for everyone's support! And I also have some news: not many people have entered my contest so far, so I've decided to extend the deadline to July 7. I'll be announcing the winners on the 9th. Please note that it won't cost you anything to enter, and the winners will receive wooz. Good luck!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Top 5 Dumbest People On WoozWorld

Ok, I'm not trying to offend anyone, but some things that people do on WW are really boneheaded. I decided to make a list of the top 5 and see what you guys think. If you do any of these things, I suggest you stop immediately, to try and make WoozWorld a better place.

5. Rich people who call others poor.

Everyone was poor when they started. Even I still remember a time when I had a beex only store and accidentally wore boy hair for a while. So really, just lay off them. They're people just like you and me, and I think they should be treated as such.

4. People who spend their time going to clubs and 2 minutes in heaven.

Why do you think the animators tried to ban all this stuff in the first place? Woozworld is supposed to be a good clean website where kids can have fun! I, for one, am really disgusted by all that stuff. I was raised in a very clean community, and being on the web and finding all this horrible stuff on a kids website really rattled me. Can't there be just a few places on the internet where we don't have to worry about that kind of stuff?

3. People who actually believe that they'll get stuff from reposting spam.

You really think that copying and pasting will win you 9999 wooz and a free month of VIP? Think again. All that spamming will do is clog up walls, and I know a lot of people that are sick of it. So next time you come across anything that says Repost this to (insert #) of ppls walls and get (insert fabulous prize that you'll never get), just ignore it.

2. Scammers.

Seriously people! Just because this is a computer game doesn't mean that you have permission to be a jerk. These people that you're taking from are real people, with real feelings. Is a computer game really worth the guilt? If you need money or clothes, you can earn them honestly, or buy them with a few bucks of real money.

1. People with gross names who post inappropriate things on other people's walls.

Ok, of all of these people, this one really takes the cake. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be allowed to repeat any of what these people post. Period. Not that I'd want to, of course. These people post awful things on famous people's walls just to get attention. Seriously, whats the point? It doesn't really get you famous or popular. All you get is a bunch of people telling you off because you're a pervert with a sick name. I don't know about you guys, but I try to avoid looking at these posts, and I really wish I could delete them, or at least hide them.

Well, I guess that's about it. If I offended you in any way, I am deeply sorry, and you can message me (Erin277) and let me know. If I agree with you, I'll change whatever offended you.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Funny Profile Contest

Hi everyone! This is Erin277, writing the very first post of my new blog! I'll be posting at least weekly, so be sure to check back every so often. So to start off my brand new blog, I'll be holding a Funny Profile contest! Here's what you need to do to enter:

Send me (Erin277) a message. Make sure the subject is Contest so that I know that you're entering. It doesn't matter what you put inside the message, just make sure that your profile status is how you want it when you send it.

Please note that the only thing that I will take into account is your profile status. Clothes, unitz, woopetz, and VIP will not matter. I promise that I will try to be as fair as possible.

The contest will be open for entries from July 1st to July 7rd. The top 10 funniest will be announced on my blog on July 9th. The winners will all receive 25 wooz. I will also choose a few honorable mentions that will receive 10 wooz.

Please create your own original status. If I receive duplicates, the first one that was sent will be the one that I choose. Send in your entry as soon as possible to make sure it isn't copied by anyone else.

Thanks for reading! Good luck everyone!